Trevor Makausi
About Me

Seasoned software engineer, specializing in crafting efficient, user-centric applications using modern technologies like JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, NextJS, and NodeJS. My work focuses on aligning technical solutions with business objectives to deliver impactful results.

Download My Resumeto explore my experience in detail.

Currently working as a Software Engineer at TherapyRoute, an international clinician-led platform helping individuals find their best-fit therapist.

TherapyRoute Logo
TherapyRoute | Trevor Makausi
Software Engineer
Recent Blogs

Sharing my personal experiences, stories about life, and reflections on family, offering insights into the moments that shape who I am.

Recent Development Learning

A collection of articles, notes, and code snippets reflecting my ongoing development journey, including insights and lessons learned.

Recent Deutsch Learning

Documenting my journey as I learn Deutsch...


The essential tools, technologies, and products I rely on daily to streamline my workflow, enhance productivity, and fuel my development projects.


Feel free to connect on LinkedIn or X below.

I enjoy meeting fellow developers and tech enthusiasts, interacting with people from diverse backgrounds, and learning about different cultures and their cuisines—when I'm not goofing around in Call of Duty lobbies.